Here’s what we stand for…

Episode 2 November 11, 2024 00:10:37
Here’s what we stand for…
The Solopreneur Sisterhood
Here’s what we stand for…

Nov 11 2024 | 00:10:37


Show Notes

In this episode, I’m sharing the inspiration behind The Solopreneur Sisterhood and outlining its three-tiered approach to supporting women entrepreneurs. We’re talking about why genuine community matters and I’m diving into the core values that drive this movement.


In this episode, you’ll learn:


Inspiration for this week:

"We believe that the more of us who are doing work that makes a difference and lights us up, the better. The more of us who create financial freedom and can contribute to causes we believe in, the better."

Join The free Solopreneur Sisterhood Community to access:

- our free online community

- member dashboard and directory

- monthly networking calls

- library of mini-trainings


Interested in learning more about the upcoming Society membership? Click here to learn more and join the waitlist.

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:05] Speaker A: Hello and welcome to the solopreneur Sisterhood Podcast. A podcast designed to help heart centered service providers like you build a purposeful, profitable and sustainable business that supports what matters most to you. I'm your host Becky McCleery and I am so grateful that you are here. [00:00:25] Hello and welcome back to the solopreneur Sisterhood Podcast. In episode one, I shared a bit of my story and my vision for the podcast. In this episode I thought I should share more about what the solopreneur Sisterhood is all about. So as I shared in episode one, I've been in the online business community for a long time and while I love the freedom of being self employed, I will say that this journey can sometimes feel lonely. What I've realized over the past few years is that I was joining various programs, not necessarily for the content of the program, but more because I wanted connection and community. Now I am an introvert and I would even say shy if we were to meet in person. I don't need a lot of social interaction, but as I reached new levels in my business, I wanted to connect with more women who were in the same space or maybe even a little bit ahead of me. I wanted to connect with other people who understood the challenges I was facing and who could help me figure out my best path forward. Unfortunately, I found that I was disappointed in each of these programs. Time after time, the founder of the program would be extremely engaged and helpful. When I expressed an interest in the program, I would feel like this was my next best step. But once I invested, the founder would pretty much disappear, and part of me thought that I would be okay with that if there was a solid community. However, that didn't exactly work out either. One program I joined claimed to have an active community, but once you got inside you realized that it was a bunch of message boards that no one had posted on in months. Another program claimed to have a mastermind, along with weekly coaching calls, and then I was put into a mastermind with one other person and she was lovely, but she worked with corporate businesses, which I do not, and so we didn't have a lot in common and we couldn't really offer a lot of business support to one another. Another program claimed to have a vibrant community with all of these different types of calls, but it turned out that the only way to connect with other members was on the calls. And most of the calls were student led, so they were far from consistent, to put it mildly. I was disappointed, and while the kinder part of me wants to think that These business owners had the best of intentions. I do think that there's a problem where so many business owners prioritize getting people into their programs and then they really drop the ball when it comes to client experience and showing up with that same level of support throughout the program. But that's a topic we can explore another day. So while I was mainly looking for community, I can also see where these business owners could see the community being an added benefit of the program. So perhaps they weren't concerned if the community didn't really pan out. However, I don't think that I'm alone in this longing for genuine connection and community. And I believe that together we can do better. And so that brings us to the Solopreneur Sisterhood. Let's dive into what we're all about. So when I say the word solopreneur, I simply mean someone who is the only employee in their business. When it comes to making decisions for your business, it really comes down to you. This doesn't mean that you are isolated or you work entirely by yourself, or you have to figure out everything on your own. Even as a Solopreneur, I believe that we can do more good and succeed more quickly and easily through connection, collaboration and community. You might even have contractors in your business, but you are not looking to build an empire. So when I say Sisterhood, for one reason or another, I have always been drawn to supporting other women in business. It might just be my personality or it might be that I feel more confident in supporting women in business because of my own experience. But this is where I choose to focus. The idea behind the Sisterhood is to bring women together to connect, collaborate and support one another. So as I mentioned in episode one, the idea is to have different layers of support of the Solopreneur Sisterhood to ideally meet you where you are and offer the support you need right now. These three layers include the podcast, a free community, and the Society. So the podcast is what you're listening to right now and it's designed to provide weekly encouragement and actionable ideas to help more women like you succeed in business. My vision for this podcast is to bring women together for real conversations that help us create businesses and lives we love. Along with sharing my own experiences and expertise, I will regularly bring in other heart centered service providers to share their wisdom and their top recommendations to support you in building a purposeful, profitable and sustainable business that supports what matters most to you. So the Solopreneur Sisterhood community is adding onto the podcast. This is a free online space where you can ask questions, receive support and encouragement and start building genuine connections with other heart centered service providers. When you join us, you'll receive access to the online community as well as the member dashboard where you can find other service providers and they can find you. You'll also receive access to a library of mini trainings to help you build your business with ease. And you'll receive invitations to join our monthly intentional networking calls as well as other free workshops and events. So I invite you to learn more and join us by visiting community and we'll also have a link to that in the Show Notes. So the third layer of this whole plan is the Solopreneur Sisterhood Society and that is launching later on in 2024 for founding members. This is our paid community which includes a small mastermind group, weekly office hours for support with strategy and systems, a library of in depth trainings designed to support you in taking your business to the next level, quarterly planning retreats and more. I will share more details as we move closer to the launch of the Society, but for now you can learn a little bit more and join the waitlist by visiting society and we will have a link to that in the Show Notes as well. So in all three layers we have common values and here is what we are all about in the Solopreneur Sisterhood. We believe in connection and collaboration. We believe that you have your unique gifts and experiences to share and that we can all benefit from your expertise. Similarly, we believe that you can reach your goals with greater ease and speed by learning from the experience and expertise of others. We believe that teaming up allows us to do even more good and can help all of us succeed at the same time. We believe in genuine connection and friendship. We're not here to sell to one another or use one another in any way. We're here to show up, support and encourage one another and when opportunities arise, to team up to do even more good together. We believe that we are better together, even though we are solopreneurs. We realize that we don't have all of the answers and we don't have to do everything alone. We believe in learning from each other, generously offering ideas, recommendations and resources. We believe that we all rise by lifting others. We believe that there's room for everyone to succeed. We don't believe in competition. No one offers what you offer in the same unique way that you do. We believe that there are people who need your work. And if someone else in the community offers a similar service, there are also clients who need their work. We believe in community over competition. It's not a case of beating out the competition. It's a case of finding the people who need you and your work and showing up to serve them. In the Solopreneur Sisterhood community, we believe that the more of us who succeed, the better. It's a sisterhood and we want all of our sisters to succeed in whatever success means for you. We believe that the more of us who are doing work that makes a difference and lights us up, the better. The more of us who create financial freedom and contribute to causes we believe in, the better. We want you to succeed and we are cheering you on and helping you out each step of the way. We believe that the work we're doing isn't just about business, it's about making a difference. As heart centered business owners, we know we need to make money to actually be a business. At the same time, we are motivated by this commitment to be of service, to help others to make the world a better place in some way. As we join together in this sisterhood, it's not just a business community, it's a movement. Together we are transforming the way women build their businesses and as we help more women succeed in building businesses that work for them, we are impacting families and communities. So yes, the Solopreneur Sisterhood is a place to come and receive the support you need right now. However, it is also a place for you to contribute. We need you. We need your voice, your ideas, your experience, your gifts and your expertise. We need your passion and your heart. I'd love to invite you to join us over in the Solopreneur Sisterhood community, which is our free, supportive space for women like you who are building heart centered, service based businesses and are longing to connect with other kindred spirits. I invite you to learn more and join us by visiting community. [00:10:04] Thank you so much for joining us and listening to the Solopreneur Sisterhood Podcast. I hope this episode has offered you some encouragement, some insight and some new ideas to support you in building a business that works for you. Remember that our world needs you, your gifts, your vision and your work. And I'm cheering you on as you bring your vision to life and build a purposeful, profitable and sustainable business that supports what matters most to you

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